Working for people, pociety and environment (CSR activities)
M3 is following the widely recognized and accepted term CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) to perform social and ethical duties for its people, society and environment. These necessary responsibilities organizations should perform in their business activities beyond their legal requirements.
M3’s CSR activities are carried out integration with:

For the People:
CSR is the one of the major commitments of M3 Int. It’s our responsibility to share knowledge and deal with constantly updated products and services and to build strong relationship with our valuable customers and suppliers.
We are completely focused to ensure safety & training programs, securities, performance appraisal, bonus, motivation, benefit, drinking Potable water, use of safety equipment, electrical and fire safety and medical emergency as well as a healthy and vibrant working environment for our employees to make the workplace.

For the Society:
We firmly believe our growth, success and sustainability depend on fulfilling social commitments and obligations. M3 is equally committed to comply with all relevant laws for the society applicable to our country and all international instruments in this regard. We also follow the Human Rights, Children’s rights and take necessary for discrimination against women. Recently we have taken some initiatives for unprivileged children to ensure their better education, some basic needs and social life. We maintain social code of conduct to comply with internationally accepted social standards.

For the Environment:
Our overall focus is to find the way of successfully balancing our business activities with the necessary duties for our natural environment. We set the standard for quality, business transactions and the protection of the environment by using energy saving lamp where applicable, tree plantation, and green office management. We have also undertaken measures to share proper information and experience regarding environmental issues for making the world a better place to live in.